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The Benefits of Regular Massage

Once people discover the many joys and benefits of massage, a common question arises — "How often should I schedule my massage sessions?" Of course, there is no set answer, but studies indicate that massage at regular intervals is most beneficial to your overall health. In a Newsweek article entitled "The Magic of Touch," the advantages of frequent massage are considered. They found that, while weekly massages may seem an indulgence, new research suggests it can have major health benefits. Scientists are now finding that massage can reduce blood pressure, boost the immune system, dampen harmful stress hormones and raise mood-elevating brain chemicals such as serotonin. And you can’t beat massage for relaxation. "All these factors," says Tiffany Field, founder of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami’s School of Medicine, "put massage in the same category with proper diet and exercise as something that helps maintain overall health." Like exercise, massage does more for you if you engage in it regularly. Even a monthly treatment can help maintain general health. "Touch is basic to survival," says Elliot Greene, past president of the American Massage Therapy Association. "That’s all the excuse anyone should need to indulge." Remember, your body strives to maintain optimum health by keeping all of its systems in balance. Along with proper nutrition, exercise and rest, massage relaxes tense muscles and stimulates the body’s communication lines to help it do its job — and to keep you feeling your best. So, make regular massage a priority in your life for a healthier tomorrow!

It’s been an “I need a break” kind of year, hasn’t it? If this past year has been tough on both your mind and body, we’ve got a simple way to help relieve your pain. Massage therapy can help you live life to the fullest – because when you’re free of pain and stress, you can spend more time focused on doing the things you love most. To start your journey to recovery, contact Arthritis & Sports in Sterling, VA to schedule your individualized massage today!

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