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A Minimally Invasive Treatment
for Chronic Tendon and Plantar Fascia Pain

Tenex Procedure

A Minimally Invasive Treatment
for Chronic Tendon and Plantar Fascia Pain

About the Tenex Procedure

Tenex Health TX is ground breaking technology available to treat tendon disease. Unlike other treatment options such as ice, injections or medication, this procedure stimulates healing by removing the scar tissue that causes pain, rather than just masking the symptoms.

TENEX HEALTH TX is a minimally invasive, one-time treatment for chronic tendon pain. Tenex Health TX is clinically proven to remove tendon pain for >85% of patients.

Medically known as Percutaneous Tenotomy or Percutaneous Fasciotomy, the procedure using Tenex Health TX technology combines sophisticated ultrasound imaging to pinpoint damaged tendon tissue along with the advanced TX MicroTip, which precisely breaks down and extracts the damaged tissue that causes tendon pain. When the damaged tissue is removed and there is increased blood flow, the body stimulates a healing response.

Patient Benefits

Effective: rapid pain relief and recovery 

  • Clinically proven to remove tendon pain for 85% of patients 

  • Recovery of 6-8 weeks or less to return to normal activities 

  • Does not disturb surrounding healthy tendon 

  • Stimulates a healing response in the tendon 

Gentle: minimally invasive 

  • Well-tolerated procedure 

  • No stitches (requires only a small, adhesive bandage) 

  • Performed typically with local anesthetic 

  • Most patients require only a one-time treatment

Rapid relief and recovery for:

  • Shoulder 

  • Elbow (tennis or golfer’s elbow) 

  • Hip/Gluteal 

  • Knee 

  • Ankle (Achilles tendon) 

  • Foot (heel or plantar fasciitis) 

  • Calcific deposits in the tendon 

  • Bone spurs

Are you a candidate?

  • Do you suffer from tendon pain in the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, Achilles or plantar fascia? 

  • Have you tried and failed a recommended conservative treatment plan (RICE, PT, maybe even cortisone) for at least 3 months and still have pain? 

  • Do you still feel pain despite receiving cortisone shots? 

  • Can you easily identify location and source of your pain?

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